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Manchester Pride Community Session: Pluto

Join Manchester Pride at this month's Community Session, where we'll be spotlighting grassroots organisations that support intersectional LGBTQ+ communities.

For Asexual awareness week we’re inviting you to meet Pluto, the Asexual/Aromantic group in Manchester, to debunk myths around asexuality and aromanticism.

Join us for food, banner making, an educational panel, a chance to (respectfully) ask any questions you might have, and an opportunity to find out more about the group.

We hope you can join us in celebrating and learning more about the incredible community groups that make LGBTQ+ life in Greater Manchester so special!
Spaces are limited, so make sure you sign up to reserve your free place.

If you are unable to attend, please let us know at so we can offer your space to someone else.

About Pluto

Pluto MCR is a social group for those on the Asexual and/or Aromantic spectrum. This includes demi, grey and questioning folks. We are open to anyone 18 or over in Greater Manchester.

We meet on a monthly basis, currently on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Our primary aim is to allow Ace and Aro people to meet each other in a relaxed, social environment. This is very important for a community that faces as much isolation as this. We also have occasional educational, awareness-building sessions.

15 October

The Drystones: Manchester Folk Festival

28 October

Julie: The Musical